When you decide based solely on cost
Apr 12, 2022
Once again, I have had yet another conversation with someone about whether or not they should use Kajabi for their business. In case you are unfamiliar, Kajabi is the all-in-one platform for developing online courses, email marketing, funnels, sales pages, automation, memberships, and more. The point of this conversation is not all about Kajabi, I am using it as an example to illustrate an important lesson on investing in yourself and your business, so hang with me.
Our conversation kicked off with her saying, "I wish I could have Kajabi, but I’m not interested in giving so much money for something in my business right now, so instead, I got something else."
For the record, she told me the name of the other program but I won’t shade them in this post. The point of this post is to highlight how many people express a desire to use Kajabi but let the cost of the platform stop them from making the decision.
There are times in your business when you are going to have to make decisions. There is no way around it, decisions are the lifeblood of your business. They keep you moving forward or keep you stuck.
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If you are interested in purchasing Kajabi, please use my affiliate link. I get a % for referring you 😁
And one of the biggest ways you can stay stuck and prevent growth in your business is when you don’t trust yourself to make a decision that will allow you to grow because you get caught up on price.
I actually just went through this yesterday.
I want a new way to work out that felt fresh and challenging. I desire to be in a physical class space so that I am pushed. I desire that this class have a certain vibe.
With such demands, I do not like the local rec center vibe that would offer me some options for group fitness classes and cost only $35 per month. There’s also not one super close to me and offering at the exact time slot I want.
So then I checked out the luxury fitness center that I have been a member of before but had left after I joined the local yoga studio. They had some options, were closer to me, and have a pretty good vibe, but I just wasn’t excited about it. It didn’t feel like what I wanted. For the record they charge $120 per month.
Then I found out about a small facility that is brand new and has an edgy vibe and strong energy. Is equally close to me and offered a new way to work out that I hadn’t done before and I really enjoyed it. It was low impact on my joints but a stellar workout. I tried one class and felt the energy of the room pushing me to keep up and stay on top of my workout for the 45-minute routine.
Side note: This is why I work out with others so I don’t give in to my own temptations and end early.
The cost to join this facility was $159 per month. More expensive than any other option I found and more than I am even paying for the yoga studio I use three times a week.
But this program met everything I had wanted for myself including being fun and challenging even though the cost was more than I had ever spent on working out.
I acknowledged the price on my way to try out the facility and I questioned for a moment if it was out of my league. And then I realized that was just an old way of thinking. I didn’t have to accept that, and I could make any investment in my greatest asset — ME — and figure it out. I joined after my first class, and now after my second class, I am happy I did.
I didn’t hesitate on joining and get caught up counting the cost, I just acknowledged that I had manifested exactly what I wanted for myself. I didn’t even know this fitness routine was going to be a good fit for me because I had never tried it before, but the routine and the club are a perfect match for what I needed — I personally think it would be counterproductive and even foolish to dismiss the manifestation of my desires.
Are you tracking with my example? I sure hope so because this is what I see so many doing when it comes to making investments in themselves and their business. They immediately disregard an option because of the price tag without considering how it serves them and considering how it aligns with what they want and need.
This is not to say the higher price tag is the better option.
It is simply to acknowledge that just because something has a higher price tag does not mean it needs to be disregarded. Nor should something else be accepted and used just because it costs less.
I can apply this to so many things in my life.
The times I have known what I really desire and can envision what is needed — just like in my workout class example — I didn’t know what kind of class I was seeking but I knew what elements it had to meet to satisfy me. I have done this in my business many times and sometimes I have followed my desire and trusted in the process even when the price tag may have been intimidating. I once spent $18,000 on one investment and that was the most I had ever spent and it was scary thinking about coming up with $3,000 per month for the next six months on top of my monthly expenses to survive and care for my family, but I did it. Every month without fail and I learned a lot about myself through that experience and what is possible.
But then I turn around and scrounge through a listing of VAs in the Philippines because someone tells me I can get a worker for $7 an hour. After hiring and releasing four of them, I finally acknowledge that cheaper is not better. That’s not to say there aren’t amazing VAs from this source, it just meant I wasn’t in a place where I wanted to train someone and overcome a language and technology barrier to make it worth my time. I found another way to find assistance using US workers who were better suited to what I needed.
There is always an option if you are willing to move beyond the roadblocks you currently see and start seeing the possibilities around you without judgment. I trust that the universe will provide the right solution based on what I need. But if such a solution is presented and then I scoff at it because of the price tag alone, am I thinking that the universe got it wrong?
Could you be denying yourself the possibility without considering how it could be made possible?
In closing, I will refer back to Kajabi for a moment. It begins at $149 per month for the basic plan. This price tag alone scares off so many who say they can’t justify that expense. I could calculate out everything you get and show you how it is very affordable for all that is included, but that is trying to prove it to you. I find that rarely does proving something overcome mental roadblocks.
Instead what if you could consider a possible option that allows you to work around the price tag and explore how this could be possible for you? I had a coaching client ask me about Kajabi and trust my recommendation despite the expense. She immediately took action in launching her program and enrolling people.
Within a few months she was not only covering the cost of Kajabi but turning a profit with a very small offer. Most people I work with charge more than she does and will see a profit even faster. I cover my cost of Kajabi by being an affiliate — which in turn pays me a commission that covers my expense. And all I ever do is tell people how much I enjoy using a resource I already use and have done so for over three years. There are so many other ways too, these are just two examples.
The bottom line here, is how are you limiting what you could use in your business because of your fear of a price tag?
How are you passing on resources and options that can better serve you with less hassle because you are hesitant to spend more money?
I could have made do with the cheapest in-person class option but I wouldn’t have lasted. I know, I have tried it before. It doesn’t get me pumped up enough to stay motivated and challenged and I just don’t enjoy those types of group classes. I have found an option that I really do enjoy, and it is worth every dollar as I invest in myself. I am done working out by 7 am and home within ten minutes. It is challenging and convenient, it is fun and transformative. I am worth that investment. Are you?
If you are unclear on what next steps to take or you are working on developing a marketing strategy to grow your personal business, this is how I can help. We deep dive into you — because you are the business and build a marketing strategy that is aligned with your desires and personality so you actually want to keep putting in the effort to market your business. Marketing can be fun!
Visit stefanieedwards.com/strategy-session to find out more and reserve your strategy session today.
If you are interested in purchasing Kajabi, please use my affiliate link. I get a % for referring you.
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